Sunday, May 17, 2009

White Paper

White Paper on the Nuclear Taliban by The State of Israel

President of Israel: Shimon Peres
Prime Minister of Israel: Binyamin Netanyahu

Executive Summary:
The Taliban has access to nuclear weapons. The pressing issue is not the correct or incorrect launch codes Saudi Arabia brought up but rather that a terrorist organization holds leverage over the world with their demands being unreasonable. The Taliban is near the Afghan border in the Swat Valley. The State of Israel suggests to install more troops on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan and on the border Pakistan shares with India, so the terrorists will not be able to be a threat to surrounding nations. 

Key Points: 

  • As of now the nuclear bombs the Taliban hold can reach up to a range of 2500km. The nuclear weapons cannot reach the publically threatened nation of Israel. Our focus in the UN needs to be keeping the Taliban from moving closer to the border without aggravating them more leading to a possible attack on neighboring India. We cannot surround the Taliban in the Swat Valley for this act will only cause more tension and cause the Taliban to use their weapons against India. If the Taliban finds its way through the border and into the western portion of Afghanistan, Israel will then be in harms way. And if we do not give into the unreasonable demands of the Taliban, the nuclear threat to Israel will be completed.
  • Israel will not give up portions of her country to the Palestinians, more specifically it is vital for the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to remain as a part of the State of Israel. First, Israel will not negotiate with the Palestinian government, run by Hamas, as they continuously fire rockets into Israel and refuse to recognize the State of Israel. Second, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are separated by what would still be Israel.  As seen through the Pakistan parallel of a divided state, the state will not be successful. Third, as the Palestinians take Israeli land and move deeper into the Jewish State, surrounding countries will have motive to take Israeli land. Fourth, the Hamas will install Sharia law where many Jewish settlers live I the West Bank. And fifth, The State of Israel will be surrounded by extremist Muslims on each border, all of which are against the existence of Israel. Even with the U.S. pushing forth for the Palestinian state, they need to consider that Israel is the only democracy and the only country holding back an Islamic Middle East. 
  • Israel also stresses that the Taliban will inevitably find a way to harm the State of Israel. Therefore, if nothing is resolved, The State of Israel will cautiously take action against the Taliban and bomb the nuclear arsenals in the Swat Valley. The United Nations must understand that if we do not take action nothing will be resolved and the Taliban will use nuclear weapons against Israel and other opposing nations. We do not want to harm Pakistan by bombing their country, but the Taliban has access to more then one weapon. The Taliban is a terrorist organization and will use the weapons as they have nothing to lose. Israel desires the support of the United Nations but will not stand by as her country is attacked. We understand that if our mission is not a success we will trigger the Taliban, but the risk is worth taking when the existence of Israel is at stake. We especially urge the support of the United States. Our friends at Washington influence our decisions greatly but we do feel as the State of Israel, an attack is all we can resort to.

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