Thursday, May 7, 2009

Assignment 3

What is the numerical size of Israel's military?
172,000 people (entire military)
Israel Air Force (IAF): 32,000 personnel
Israel Defense Forces (IDF): 134,000 personnel
Israel Naval Forces (INF): 9,000 personnel

List Israel's weapons.
15,985,000 weapons. 
No nuclear weapons.

List Israel's greatest rival chemical, nuclear, conventional, naval, and aeronautical capabilities.
540,000 armed personnel
Over 350,000 reserved
1,613 main battle tanks
21,600 other armored vehicles
3,200 artillery weapons
306 combat aircraft
60 attack helicopters
3 submarines
59 surface combatants
10 amphibious ships
Nuclear weapons underway

Is Israel a nuclear power?
Israel is not a nuclear power.

List the countries connected to Israel by land.
Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon

Is there a territory outside of Israel that has cultural, religious, or historical significance to you that makes Israel (citizens and government) feel invested in?
Israel is the only homeland to the Jewish people. Although the Jewish religion and Israeli cultural values are seen in other countries, those countries do not have any significant cultural, religious, or historical significance that compares to Israel in making Israeli citizens feel invested in.

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